

the PipeScore interface

PipeScore is an online bagpipe notation app, for writing out pipe music.

Features include:

Bullet Wordle

bullet wordle game

Bullet Wordle is a Wordle variant where two players play on the same board, and try to guess the word before each other and before their time runs out.

When you begin a game, you will be paired with another player also using the website.

Dowling Tables

verbs in indicative active

The Dowling Tables help you to memorise the Latin declensions and conjugations necessary for the Dowling Method.

It supports macrons - even if your keyboard doesn't - and gives immediate feedback when you make a mistake.


grannyplant home view grannyplant plant view grannyplant search view grannyplant areas view

GrannyPlant is a Progressive Web App to help granny manage her massive garden.

It replaces a set of huge cross-referenced Word documents.

The app works when offline, and allows adding/removing plants, searching plants, view plants by area, e.t.c.

Replit Colour

Replit-colour customisation page

Replit colour is a Chrome extension that allows the customisation of the colour scheme on the popular replit IDE.

Using a simple colour-picker form, you can change the themeing of the editor to whatever you like.

Usage details here.

Over 200 users!

Note this is now defunct, as replit have finally added a built-in method for theme customisation.